Module 1 – Attunement & Safe Somatization
What will happen in Module One?
In this course, you will learn a relational approach to trauma recovery, how to understand what the client might need, and how to respond to different threat responses and trauma stories.
Areas of exploration Module One:
1) Safely somatize / repair mind-body split.
2) Good handle on reading and responding to threat responses - helping the client approach ventral vagal.
3) Hypnotic language to pair with holds.
4) Somatic intuition - learning to understand and respond to your own somatic signals in a session.
5) Touch skills Part A.
a) gentle touch holds
b) working with the head
c) promoting local unwinding (coming out of freeze)
6) How to layout a somatization session, from intention setting, to containment and integration.
7) Emotional somatics - how to identify emotional charge, and help the client make sense.
8) Responding to spontaneous release - how to increase safety, and ensure re-suppression doesn’t occur.
9) Processing shame - a precursor to deeper emotional processing.
10) Psychoeducation Part A.
NOTE: In order to join module 2, you will need to complete module 1.
Module 2 – Intentional Trauma Processing
What will happen in Module Two?
In Module Two, which is the sequel to Module One, we will explore intentional trauma processing. Module Two builds on the foundation set by Module One.
You will learn how to navigate the client's trauma story, identify trigger threads, and work to access suppressed somatic content for gentle and contained release and integration.
You will also learn how to psycho-educate a client and how to help them make sense of their experience.
Areas of exploration Module Two:
1) Emotional release theory: Understanding how emotions live in the body, gain movement, momentum, and release. We will explore the core triangle of emotions: fear, anger, grief.
2) Emotional release practice: building tools to support release:
I) touch for release,
ii) verbal cues
iii) working with somatic expression - movement, breath & sound
3) Somatic intuition - developing the capacity to sense emotion, and bring gentle awareness to the client.
4) Working with resistance and fragmentation - an introduction to somatic parts therapy.
5) Touch skills Part B. Advanced touch applications - working the jaw, throat, diaphragm, and psoas.
6) Psychoeducation Part B.
7) Root causes, trauma maps, and essential illuminations for processing: emotions, thoughts, unconscious organizing principles, and somatic presentation.
8) Introduction to transference.
9) Introduction to existential exploration - working with un-belonging in the body and the world.
Watch session demos here
Full Table Demonstration with Chloe
Full Table Demonstration with Dominica
Full Table Demonstration with Stephanie
Full Demonstration with Xiao Ting